Saturday, May 5, 2012

An Enslaved Lady

from Acts 16 ....

As Paul and his fellow travelers 
were again going to the 
place of prayer
they encountered an attempt 
by satan to infiltrate and 
crush the infant church.

Seems satan has never given up ...
he's still at it today ...
working hard to destroy the church.

This time the travelers encountered
a slave girl with a spirit of divination.
(which, today,  would be like a medium who 
contacts evil spirits)

She was profitable to her masters.
She was following after Paul ... and crying out.
The words she was saying were true.

Satan, the father of lies, 
often speaks some truth 
as he tries to infiltrate 
the church with his lies.

After many days, Paul became "greatly annoyed".
He commanded the evil spirit 
to come out of her
and it had no choice 
but to obey Paul.

It led to Paul's being put in prison, 
which led to the furtherance 
of the Gospel.

So once again we see that 
what satan meant for evil
God used for good!!

Lydia and this slave girl represent all of mankind.
We are all either liberated from our sin as Lydia was
or we are enslaved by satan as the slave girl was.

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