Saturday, May 7, 2011

Forward or Backward

Today I was encouraged by words David spoke to Abiathar (who was a son of Ahimelech who protected and helped David and was killed for it).  To read the entire story, read 1 Samuel chapter 15 to the end of the book.  We can be reminded that jealously is an ugly sin.  If not kept in check it can cause people to do some very ugly things.

Abiathar fled from Saul's wrath and sword to David.  David was saddened to hear of the death of all the priests.  He spoke these words to the very frightened Abiathar:

1 Samuel 22:23
"Stay with me; do not be afraid.......
With me you shall be in safekeeping."

How those words, "do not be afraid",  must have been so sweet to Abiathar's ears.  His life had been sought with a sword.  But no doubt, he trusted David, and had seen that David's God was powerful and wonderful.

This reminded me of some very precious verses we find in both the Old and New Testament.

God speaking to Joshua, who had simply been Moses' assistant but now since Moses had died he would have to lead the people.
Joshua 1:5
"I will not leave you or forsake you."

This verse is repeated again in the New Testament.  The verses surrounding it are talking about love for others, marriage, contentment and not loving money. 

Hebrews 13:5
"I will never leave you or forsake you."

A wise, old man named Uncle Ben often told me that these verses can be spoken forward and backward.  

"You forsake, or you leave never will I"

Truly a great and precious promise from our loving, Heavenly Father ! ! !

I'm going to choose to trust it ------ no matter what ! ! ! 

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