Last Saturday I was sitting
at my good friend,
Jenn's wedding,
patiently waiting for her to walk down the isle
to Jon, whom the LORD has
so graciously provided for her.
I was also patiently waiting
for news from my daughter 200
miles away ... back at home ....
who was in labor.
was walking down the isle,
a text message came from JoAnna .....
He's here !!
Philemon Marlyn Alan Rockhold
was born, weighing in at
8# 1 oz.
He is a beautiful gift from the LORD!
we enjoyed some good fellowship
with friends we have not seen
for a long time and some short
but sweet fellowship with
John and Bobbie Heller.
The trip home went by quickly
and soon we were up at the hospital to
see little Philemon and JoAnna and Andrew.
So thankful for Jeshanah, who took such good care
of Philemon's little sisters, Elly, Anna and Selah.
It is so fun to finally have another boy
added to the brood.
The count now is
5 boys
11 girls.
We welcome little Philemon
into our hearts
and pray for the day
LORD Jesus as his Savior.
"Children are gifts
from the LORD ..."
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