is now
in the state of MINNESOTA ! !
Watch out world!!
I remember when Jeremy got his drivers license. I was so worried...not about his driving skills ... but about the 'other drivers'.
I had cut a short story out of a magazine and gave it to him. It was titled "A Letter To My Son On Obtaining His Drivers License". After cleaning out a file cabinet and a drawer I finally found it. Pretty good after all those years!! So here, I reprint the story
that originally came from Reader's Digest.
Sorry, I have no idea of the author.
Many things have changed so much .... but many have not changed at all!
"Congratulations! on acquiring your drivers license. Welcome to the club for which you have wanted to be a member for so long. As you slide behind the wheel, you will be the possessor of one of the most extraordinary objects of our modern civilization: slave, genie, seven-league boots and magic carpet all rolled into one and at the same time an extension of your own person, your brain, your muscles, your reflexes. You now have your independence from schedules and timetables, the freedom of the open road, to come and go whenever and wherever you please. (ummm...that's not totally true for you! LOL)
Your driving teacher will have taught you all you should know about the control of your car, its operation the rules and regulations of the highway code and how to handle yourself and your car on the road. But there are other things - ethical, philosophical, mechanical - which occur to me and one of these is the nature of that beast.
Now too, you will be called upon to protect your passengers as well as yourself and here again you will find that you must alter your thinking. Whenever you are driving a friend (or a niece or nephew), your responsibility increases to the point where you must begin to regard yourself as a professional. The moment you have another in your car, you are like the engineer in the cab of his locomotive, to the pilot in his cockpit, to the captain of the ship on his bridge. And you must accept the same obligations. Other humans have entrusted themselves to you; even though they have not paid for a ticket, you have entered a moral contract to deliver them safely to their destination.
And what about that poor, vulnerable creature who walks hi-ways and byways with no protective shell of steel about him - the pedestrian? You were once one of these, subject to being bullied, threatened, ignored or cursed at by drivers who succumb to the delusion that possession of a drivers license gives them the right to lord it over those on foot.
Now as the pilot of your own car, will you remember your frustrations as the stream of traffic refused to wait for you at a crossing, or your terror when some speeding motorist bore down upon you? Will you remember, now you are at the helm of a vehicle that can accelerate from zero to 60 mph in seconds; that walkers have a rhythm of thinking and moving different from yours? They daydream, counting their worries or their blessings as they go; lost in thought, they step off the pavement without looking. Their reflexes vary. Because the slightest nudge from your fender can put them into a hospital, it becomes your responsibility to do their safety thinking for them.
For all l the warlike toll of dead and wounded listed in the newspapers following a holiday weekend, there are thousands upon thousands of motorists who chalk up a lifetime of mileage without so much as a scratched fender. They are those who know that the moment you exceed speed limits or ignore danger and warning signs you are over ruling the wise judgement of the engineers who built the roads and traffic experts who have made the laws. Enjoy your freedom. Drive as though your life depended on your obeying all that you know to be right. Enjoy the freedom that a drivers license brings."
So that is the story. It is now
documented so that it can be passed on.
We're proud of you, Jeshanah!
You are a safe, responsible driver.
It's fun -- but sometimes hard --
to see you grow up ...
after all ... you're the baby!
Keep up the good work!
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