Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bout Time You Grew Up

Recently someone told a friend of mine, "you have really matured in the past few years."  My friend didn't know quite how to take this bit of information.  Was this a demeaning remark .... ?   Did it mean .....

*  its about time you grew up   or
* you are finally where I am   or just what did it mean ? ?

As we talked together we decided to go with the positive!!  We rejoiced in the growth (recognized as maturity) the LORD has enabled my friend over the past few years.  It was a challenge to me . . . . 

Am I different than I was a few years ago?
A few months ago?
A few weeks ago?
A few days ago?

Hopefully, we are  all growing, maturing in our walk with our LORD.  We are all a "work in progress" but sometimes its easiest to just stay the same.
And sometimes growth is hard.  It brings change, sometimes suffering, sometimes difficult things...

But  grow  and  mature  we must ! ! !

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