Moses called the people to repentance.
"Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said,
“Who is on the LORD’s side? Come to me.”
Exodus 32:26
Each one was given the chance to repent and turn back to the LORD.
There were 3,000 who refused to repent & lived their last day that day.
But there were around two million people in the camp.....
so that means 1,997,000 repented and took their stand with Moses.
3,000 of these people refused Moses' offer of repentance.
Their hearts were set against God.....their attitudes were firmly in rebellion against Him.
It was not so much their "deeds" of worshiping the golden calf;
but their hearts' attitude of rebellion and their refusal to give up their sin.
These people had seen the very glory of God, heard His voice,
and yet refused to come to Him.
"The next day (after he called them to repentance)
Moses said to the people, 'You have committed a great sin.'"
Exodus 32:30
The people knew this.....they repented and stood with Moses.
The ones who did not were killed. Why did Moses remind them again of their sin??
Whatever happened to forgiveness??
What more did he want from them??
I really noticed in these verses that there was
He remained silent.......strangely silent.
Wasn't it God's DUTY to forgive them.....???
Something must happen
before forgiveness can be granted........
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