In most of Paul's Epistles he describes himself as an apostle of the LORD Jesus Christ. In Philippians he calls himself and Timothy "bond servants of Christ Jesus".
Other words associated with bond servant are: ownership, possession, allegiance, subjection, dependence
Exodus 21:5 - "I love my master, my wife, my children, I will not go out as a free man."
The Old Testament tells us that a person would only HAVE to be a slave, one that was purchased, for 6 years. At the end of 6 years he had to be set free. BUT the slave could CHOOSE to stay. Why would anyone do that? Maybe the slave had come to love his master and his master's family .... so he would choose to stay. God's Law did not permit a slave to be mistreated in any way....so for some....maybe the life of a slave was a better life than he could make for himself so he would choose to stay. If the slave chose to stay, the master would take an awl and bore a hole through the slave's ear to the masters door post. A constant reminder to him and everyone that this slave was going no where. It was a permanent decision. That slave could NEVER go free, on his own, again, nor could he ever be sold. He now became more than just a slave....he became a servant who was permanently attached -- bonded -- to his master. A "bond servant". These bond servants were usually trusted with more than just the ordinary slave would be trusted with. They often, though still servants, became like part of the family.
I recently noticed the words "Bond Servant" tatotted on a young man's arm. I wondered, "does he know what those words mean"? I wonder....do I know what those words mean? Bond Servant...one who chooses to serve with reckless abandon. One who gives herself up to another's will...the will on the Father. For me that speaks of becoming holy as HE is holy. Oh how I want to be a Bond Servant of the LORD Jesus Christ...to serve Him, to become like His Son. To "choose" His way instead of my own. To choose "will" instead of my own. Paul lived his life as a Bond Servant of his LORD. A goal worthy of my desire.
John Darby, in 1872, wrote these words...
And is it so! I shall be like Thy Son?
Is this the grace which He for me has won?
Father of glory—thought beyond all thought!
In glory, to His own blest likeness brought!
Oh, Jesus, Lord, who loved me like to Thee?
Fruit of Thy work, with Thee, too, there to see
Thy glory, Lord, while endless ages roll,
Myself the prize and travail of Thy soul.
Yet it must be: Thy love had not its rest
Were Thy redeemed not with Thee fully blest;
That love that gives not as the world, but shares
All it possesses with its loved co-heirs.
Nor I alone; Thy loved ones, all complete
In glory, round Thee there with joy shall meet
All like Thee, for Thy glory like Thee, Lord,
Object supreme of all, by all adored.
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This Blessed me.
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