We learned about Esther, Mordecai, King Xerxes and _ _ _ _ _. We learned that the Jews will not even pronounce his name. In fact each year at the Feast of Purim when they read thru the book of Esther.....they hiss and boo and stomp their feet and make all kinds of noise to be sure that they blot out any thing that could resemble his name. We made noise makers, and believe me the kids used them!! We made queen crowns & king crowns and scepters. We colored pictures of Esther, Mordecai, King Xerxes, and _ _ _ _ _. We watched the Veggie Tale movie about Esther and another Esther movie. We acted out the book of Esther, and we talked about how faithful the LORD God is to each one that has taken Him as their Savior. We talked about people in other places of the world who have to hide their Bibles and meet together as a church in secret. We prayed together that each one of us would be faithful and trust the LORD no matter what kind of difficulties might come into our lives. HE IS FAITHFUL and I want more than anything for each of the kids to know, trust and experience that!

Back row L to R: Briann, Samuel, Alyssa, Lindsey
Front row L to R: Cody, Chloe, Carly
Fun to see some pics from your party! Thank you for your faithfulness to them in writing these things on the tablets of their little hearts! Such good memories- they had a blast! Thank you again, it was a marvelous quite day here at my green pastures.
Thank you for being intentional about teaching them these truths! They love all of your parties, and are still playing "Esther and King Xerxes" around here! The play was the best part! :) That and the quiet day at home being able to clean for my showing! Another time to write down my answer to prayer as you! Thank you!!
I just wanted to say another thank you for your diligence in teaching truths from God's Word to our little ones. How blessed we are to have your example and wisdom. The kids think it's just the greatest thing to be at your house for these special parties.
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