Are two ALWAYS better than one?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Wimpy Theology Makes Wimpy Women
OR ...
Why ladies should know their theology .....
"Theology - the study of God and of God's relation
to the world; the study of religious faith,
practice and experience."
Several years ago I attended a True Women Conference where John Piper gave a message
about what a true, godly woman was.
He started off with the phrase,
If we, as ladies, want to weather the storms of
Why ladies should know their theology .....
"Theology - the study of God and of God's relation
to the world; the study of religious faith,
practice and experience."
Several years ago I attended a True Women Conference where John Piper gave a message
about what a true, godly woman was.
He started off with the phrase,
"Wimpy theology makes wimpy women."
That phrase got everyone's attention. It has been on my mind since the conference. Nobody wants to be a wimp!
John Piper, from the 2008 True Woman Conference
Wimpy theology m akes wimpy women. That’s my assumption that I bring to this evening. Wimpy theology simply does not give a woman a God that is big enough, strong enough, wise enough, and good enough to handle the realities of life in away that magnifies the infinite worth of Jesus Christ.Wimpy theology is plagued by woman-centeredness and man-centeredness. Wimpy theology doesn’t have the granite foundation of God’s sovereignty or the solid steel structure of a great God-centered purpose for all things."
temptation and discouragement;
the storms of suffering and trials;
we need to know our theology.
We need to know our God.
We need to know our God.
If we have a messed up idea about who God is
we won't be able to understand why He would allow temptations,
suffering, discouragement and trials in our lives.
to stand ... unshakably ... on the Word of God.
We must be firmly and totally convinced
of the character of God.
that He is in control of all things.
That there is NEVER a moment
when I 'inform' Him of anything.
That I was in His mind before the world's were made.
That MY NAME was written in the Lambs Book of Life
before the foundation of the world.
That He chose to set His love upon me ...
and drew me unto Himself
without any help from me.
That His love for me is amazing and deep.
That I exist to bring HIM honor and glory.
The more you know and study your God,
the more you will love Him and be
--- oh so grateful ---
for all He has done for you.
Be sure of what you believe and why you believe it.
As one sister put it,
"put the milk away, pull out a
into the meat of our Creator God".
Be amazed over and over and over again
of the wonder of
His great love for you ...
it will change your life,
He promises!
" ... That I might know Him ..."
Philippians 3:10
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
How Does Your Garden Grow ....?
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Jeshanah watering after the 'plant' |
Lois is working on a garden.
and I'm trying to help.
When I was young .....
I loved gardening. Think I got it from my
"Gramma Green" who lived in Sabin, MN and
had the absolutely most wonderful
garden around. She taught me how to weed.
How to thin the carrots and how to
put "dried blood" (YUCK) around the plants
to keep the rabbits out! But it works ~ and is not a pesticide!
Samuel was a big help in making
and then pounding in all the stakes for the rows.
Can you tell which vegis he is going to eat???
Chloe was a big help too by covering up
all those tiny seeds after they were
placed gently in the ground.
And Lydia ... this sweet girl, without being told,
went in and got ice water for us all ... it was a hot afternoon.
Jeshanah helped too ... maybe she will be the
daughter that shares my love of gardening ?!?!
Maybe not!

I use to always plant 'Big Boy' tomato
plants. Was looking for them and found
'Better Boy'. OK I'm game. Technology
has progressed ... why not tomato plants.
We will see how they do!
Sam and Chloe went to the lake with us
to help mow and trim the bushes by the door.
Love to see these kiddos working ~ and having fun doing it!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Briann runs the mile ...
Here is Briann running her mile!
She started out cheerful and happy ...
and expended all her energy ...
Each time around
the track her mom,
dad, Sydney
and I encouraged
her to keep on
some with words ...
"faster Briann, faster"!!
Some with smiles!
Cody somehow got
out of his Math class
and ran on the inside of
the track with her to
encourage her on!
Her time was 8:22,
which is a GREAT TIME!
She ran hard
and did her best
that is what counts!
Was she tired
when she finished??
You bet she was.
But she finished well
and I'm SO proud of her!
Monday, May 21, 2012
My Three Girls
So thankful for the children
the LORD has blest me with.
To bear them,
change their diapers,
teach them to walk
and then to read,
teach them to ride bike
and then to drive a car,
teach them to know what the
Word of God says and then
Indeed it is a great thrill and a great privilege ...
to have and to raise children ~~~
For now they are more than my children ...
they are my friends!
Special Celebration

Josiah Philip
was born to
Shane and Isenija
on May 5th.
He weighed in at
6# 7 oz and was 21 inches long.
We celebrated with them
at a fun baby shower.
Kumrija shared some
very good, practical thoughts
from the Word of God.
Including a gentle reminder ~~~
to remember to dress up nice
and put your make up on ....
for your husband ... even if you're tired.
Sam made these dipped pretzels
and Jill made these
sweet cookies!
and to have them a part of my life.
They are a reminder to me of the Grace of my God.
" ... He has mercy on whomever He wills ..."
Romans 9:18
I am so thankful that they know the LORD Jesus
as their Savior and pray that they will continue
to live their lives for HIS honor and glory.
6.46 may not mean to much to you ...
it means tons ! !
Cody wanted to beat a record
He has lots of
grit and determination.
And when he sets his mind
to do something ...
he gets it done.
Kinda like his __________ .
(you fill in who you think!)
Here he is
A well run mile!
And here is
faithful "little" sister, Sydney,
telling him, "Good job, Cody,
you beat it!"

Here's gma saying,
"great job Cody, you are
one strong and determined guy."
Reminds me of some verses
in Hebrews chapter 12
verses 1 and 2.
"... let us also lay aside every
weight and sin which clings so closely,
and let us
run with endurance the race
that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus the Author
and Finisher of our faith ..."
When Cody got ready to run he didn't
put on a parka, heavy work boots
and weights around his arms and legs.
Nope, he dressed in lightweight clothing
ready for the race.
So how are we doing with laying aside the weights and sins
that cling so closely .... and running with ENDURANCE????
Keep up the good work Cody.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Recital ...
... a musical entertainment
usually given by a single performer.
Lindsey and Alyssa
performed their annual Spring Recital on Friday.
They played their pieces beautifully. I could listen to them all day!!
Lindsey played "Fandango" and "Little Brown Jug" and
Alyssa played "Alpine Polka" and "Greensleeves".
Here they are with their
piano teacher, Hannah.
Jill plays too ...
maybe she will give me ...
"a musical entertainment by
a single performer" ... privately ... someday!
Some of the cousins.
Selah had to sit quiet long enough.
Now it was time for her
to be running free.

Eddy was
such a
and held
the door open
for us all.
Way to
go Eddy!!

"And whatever you do, in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:17
"So, whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
I pray whatever talents and
abilities the LORD gives ...
would be used for HIS honor and glory.
A life lived for HIM is a joy filled life.
Not one without suffering, For suffering
reminds us of our nearness to our Father.
But joy for the journey.
Which HE promises in abundance!
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