Today just happens to be the BIRTHDAY
of the man I love.
His 60th Birthday!
Can . You . Believe . It .
I . Can . Not
I thought I loved him when we married
all those years ago ...
and in many ways, I did.
But our love has changed and grown.
Hard times, job changes,
disappointment in people,
children, homeschooling,
dad dying, teenagers, vehicles,
weddings, grandchildren ...
all these life experiences
mold us and make us into who we become!
I am so thankful to the LORD
that He brought Myron and I together.
My prayer is that we will continue to
serve Him together all of our lives.
Some people call this stage in life ~~ Empty Nest.
It sounds like such a sad time of life.
Thankfully, our nest is not yet empty ...
we are so happy to still have Jeshanah at home.
I like to think of this time of life as
"Prime Time"
and I'm going to live it to its fullest,
glorifying the LORD,
with the man I love !!
We recently returned from a very
exciting trip to Israel so I'm
posting pictures of Myron and I
from the trip.
Most of them are from our
amazing 'trip photographer' ~ Allison Rockhold!
Love all the pictures, Allison. Thanks!
In these two pictures
we are walking from the
Mount of Olives to
Our days were full of visiting
many sights and hearing teaching
relevant to each sight from the Word.
John Heller and Steve Price
did the teaching.
We visited Nazareth Village
which is a working community set up to be like the
village of Nazareth was when the LORD Jesus
lived there.
Here "Yosef" is showing Myron how
to drill a hole ... long before Makita
or Craftsman were invented.
We spent quite a bit of time around the
Sea of Galilee area.
This is close to the place where the
LORD Jesus called the disciples
to leave their nets and follow Him.
We went on a very peaceful
boat ride on the Sea.
I can see how it would be a
favorite place for the LORD
Jesus to be. The first day we were there
it was so clam and still.
We were able to view it several days
later when it was windy and there were
pretty big waves on it.
This is the Jordan River.
We enjoyed a good challenge
from the Word of God here.
Masada was one of Myron's
favorite places ...
can you tell by his smile ???
I can....
I'm still digesting all the
historical information we learned here.
If you wanna know more about this
place watch the movie "Masada"
It's on our 'to do' list.
This is near the Mediterranean Sea.
In Israel there is lush green fields
and dry, dusty dessert.
What a thrill it was
to view Old Jerusalem.
One day our LORD will
set His feet there again.
I can't wait!!
Had to put a 'bus' picture in.
We spent a lot of time on the bus
and it was fun getting to
know new friends.
Our driver was good ~~
sometimes a bit scary!
Myron noticed this man working inside a 'cave' as we walked along. He didn't know ANY English but was proud to have his picture taken. Can you tell what he was making in his wood shop? Caskets! |
Hard to believe that Israel would
have an entire Restaurant devoted
to this American 'idol'.
It was a very busy place but had
the cheapest hot chocolate!
Hot Chocolate - $3.00
Mug - FREE !!
This is a sunrise
over the Sea of Galilee.
I think Allison got up real early
to get that shot.
We don't know what the year
ahead holds for us ...
but as I have told you before
in the words
Winnie the Pooh ......
“If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day
so I never have to live without you.”
Of course I know that our times are in His hands ....
and I am very thankful for that.